How To Deal With the Heat Wave in Northridge, Encino, and Reseda


We in Northridge, Encino, and Reseda, aka Canyon Country are dealing with yet another heat wave. As a result, our city has issued another Flex Alert, which is calling for us to conserver power. Thanks to our expertise, we were invited to be on the local CBS news affiliate KCAL. Below, we will share everything on how to deal with the heat wave in Northridge, Encino, and Reseda.

1. How To Maintain Your AC During the Heat Wave

Our team is constantly asked for tips for how to keep their cooling system working during these hard and hot times. Our best tip is to replace the air filter more regularly. For example, most systems suggest changing the air filter every six months. However, during extraneous use it is more advantageous to change it more often, say every three to four months. This simple maintenance trick can help you avoid any premature breakdowns.

2. How To Maintain Your HVAC System During the Heat Wave

You can do more than the above to help your entire HVAC system last longer. Flex Alert recommends you set your thermostat to 78° Fahrenheit minimum. This can be difficult for some of you, easier for others. Those of you set to a specific temperature can still make compromises. For example, if you enjoy a cozy 75° Fahrenheit, give 77 or 76 a try. You may also turn on the ceiling fans for extra cooling.

3. Other Tips for Dealing With the Canyon Country Heat Wave

There are other ways to help during these difficult times. When too much of our area uses too much power, it can crash the whole grid. Then no one has any energy. Here are a few tips to help keep everyone’s power from going out:

  • Wait until night to run major appliances such as washers, dryers, dishwashers, etc.
  • Turn off the lights when not in use.
  • Ladies can avoid the hair dryer by letting it air dry, then using a flat iron.
  • Make sure all windows, doors, and other venues are secure so your cooler does not escape the property.
  • Wait until night to plugin electric vehicles.

3. View More on Dealing With the Heat Wave

Feel free to view the entire story below:

Northridge, Encino, and Reseda AC Same Day Service

These are just some of the times can do to deal with the heat wave in Northridge, Encino, and Reseda. Be sure to contact a trusted provider in your own area who can provide you with a quick, honest estimate on an emergency AC repair who will stand behind their work. Feel free to contact us to get same day AC service for all of Canyon Country and the surrounding areas.